Thursday 26 November 2009


looking at my short film i figured i would need props. I did this an easy way by going on celtx and higlighting where needed props on to my catalogue. I found this a very easy way of doing so and now have a list for my props needed.

school uniforms
empty crisp packets
large bottle of coke

For my actors i felt that the best outfits they could where is for the two boys, school uniforms with tracksuit bottoms to make them to give a image that they don't take school seriously. And for the girl a jacket and dark trousers to give a sense that she comes every Thursday wearing the same jacket to make clear to my audience that it is the same girl.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Thursday 19 November 2009

new and final script

Reading through my old script i wasent very happy with it as i could not think of a meaning why the kid always played video games and found if i was to find an idea would be to confusing for the audience. i therefore came up with a new script and new story for my short film here it is.

Sunday 18 October 2009


This short film i found very clever for many reasons.
The idea of bring a mysterious DJ into a short film i thought was great!i loved how he could change what happened in the past by using his mixing kit and choose what would happen with this basketball as this was the main cause for all the tragic events that were occurring. I found it great how certain things on the mixing deck would do different things and figured that this was very well planned out. I also liked how the DJ was dressed all in black giving this feel of some sort of wizard and individual compared to the people around him. In the end he changes it so that the ball has a good cause and makes everyone get on and nothing tragic happens because of it but instead good things. I also found amusing how the DJ ends up by running away as he didn't wasn't to be responsible for changing anything else as every time he has to get all his kit out and set it up. The choice of title for it i felt was great as in a way it made me think that every-time he corrected an event it just kept spinning round and going back to square one.


This short film i found very interesting. I enjoyed watching this as i liked how a meaning was sent across to the audience. I felt this message was that everyone is the same and no matter what everyone will always have similar or the same interests in life no matter what nationality. This gave me the impression that the four men were on both opposite sides in the war and they did not want to shoot each other as they wanted to hear what was happening with the football. When they hear that someone on the football scores one of the men gets excited and fires his gun shooting one of the opposite men. This then caused them to all shoot at each other and in a way stopping this phase of friendship between all of them. I found the way the film was shot was very interesting as the tension was made well throughout the film with how the camera kept on focusing at the men on each sides of the fence and kept switching to either sides. Also i liked how the camera suddenly focused on the men in green in a sniper type focus just before they fired as it gave me the feeling that someone was about to get shot or some kind of action was about to happen.


OCR brief asks to produce:
short film and two from these:
-Radio trailer
-Film magazine review page

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Examples Of Short Films

This short film i felt was very intriging how it was all filmed.i felt that the way the shots had been done were very clear and everything lead on to another making it easily to follow the film and understand what was going on. i also found the choice of music great as it had a sense of darkness to it and emotion setting the scene well. I also liked the choice of location for the short film, giving me the impression of a low class place and clearly from watching the film very rough and having a high crime rate. Also how the film was edited i liked how they did it in black and white as this gave me straight away the feeling that it happened in the passed and also made the shots look great. Watching this film has given me ideas about what i could do with mine and what type of music for example to use to set the scene well.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Generating ideas for my short film

'Kid who wants to complete his computer game'
Ace is a 12 year old boy who loves computer games. He plays before school and as soon as he comes home from school. He lives at home with his 20 year old brother as his school is nearer to his brothers work than his parents. He also has no friends at school as his social life consists of computer games and people he plays with online. He doesn't care about his image or what people think of him. His aim is to complete a video game but is always getting interfered by other things like homework, school, sleep, dinner and because of school he sometimes bunks off.
When he plays his games he gets very drawn into them and doesn't think of anything else, just completing this game. when he plays and does something wrong during the game this can make him upset and frustrated. He finds it easy to bunk off school because his brother is easy with him and wants him to be happy in life.

'Kid who completes his computer game and realises that there is nothing else to do'

Writing about my character that made me think that the meaning of the story should maybe be based on the basis of what does he do once he completes the computer game. This made me think that once he completes the game he is left with nothing else to do. This gave me an idea of the character going into a game shop and seeing a game on a shelf and thinking 'do I buy it?'and then looking outside the window and seeing kids playing with a football, then deciding to walk out the shop and choose to do the opposite of what he has done in the past with his life and not socialising. I feel this can give many opportunities in what to do with this film and a wide variety of ideas to be put in to it as of the one i have just explained about the kid choosing which way to go in life.

I was not that happy with this script as i wasent to sure on how to film it so i therefore will produce another script.