Sunday 18 October 2009


This short film i found very interesting. I enjoyed watching this as i liked how a meaning was sent across to the audience. I felt this message was that everyone is the same and no matter what everyone will always have similar or the same interests in life no matter what nationality. This gave me the impression that the four men were on both opposite sides in the war and they did not want to shoot each other as they wanted to hear what was happening with the football. When they hear that someone on the football scores one of the men gets excited and fires his gun shooting one of the opposite men. This then caused them to all shoot at each other and in a way stopping this phase of friendship between all of them. I found the way the film was shot was very interesting as the tension was made well throughout the film with how the camera kept on focusing at the men on each sides of the fence and kept switching to either sides. Also i liked how the camera suddenly focused on the men in green in a sniper type focus just before they fired as it gave me the feeling that someone was about to get shot or some kind of action was about to happen.

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