Thursday 14 January 2010

Here is another film poster that i really like. I like how the films title is very clear and big so we are able to see what its called. Also i really think that it is a great idea how they have put the main characters of the film on the poster as we are going to get to know what these characters are like through out the film. I like the idea of how they have put underneath the title 'A Film By Shane Meadows' as this is telling us who made the film. Also i like how in a way they have summed up in one sentence what the film is based on by saying 'Summer 1983. A Time To Stand Out From The Crowd' This works really well i feel as we have an idea of when it was based and giving us an idea of what it is about. However i do not like how all the film awards are along the top and in fairly big font as i feel there is too much writing going on. This is one of my favorite film posters. The narrative in this poster i feel is where the characters are shown. As i said i feel this in a way gives an idea of the story. I feel that this image is aimed to the age of all but perhaps not young aged as there is most probably going to be violence at some points and swearing which i can tell just by looking at the characters.

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