Thursday 14 January 2010

Here is a poster i feel is very eye catching. I feel it is eye catching as it stands out with the red used as the door colors. Also the title is very bold and the 'a' in it has a type of hand rising which i think is very creative as it has a resemblance to the film itself. I also feel that the photo of the zombies in the glass is very clever with how they have put the main character in the film in a brighter color to the zombies around him. This i feel is in a way giving us an idea of what it i s about and immediately gives you the idea that he may be one of the last few people not turned into a zombie. Also the sub-title along the top works very well i feel as it gives us another idea on what the story will be about. I like the idea of having all of the writing of actors etc along the bottom as it is out of the way of the photo and not interfering with the picture. Looking at the overall image i noticed many points which are vital for the audience such as the genre, representation of the film. The representation of the film i feel is represented in a way for an older age group as how the image comes across. With the genre i noticed that it is of a horror or thriller type genre with how there is zombies shown in the image. I also feel there may be a sense of humor in the film from this image as there is a character amongst the zombies pulling an odd face, giving me the impression of a humor involved type genre.

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