Wednesday 10 February 2010

Review Page Layout 2

Here is my second page layout for my review page. I was very pleased with this layout as i felt i managed to get a lot of information on to the page and included the main topics a film review page needs i personally feel. Yet again i have a larger font title as it is clear to the audience what it is they are reading about. Having a photo of all three actors i feel was a great idea as they are in a way what make the film and the audience should get to know a little about them. Having a photo of the director and information i think is great as it its at the top of the page and next to the title. Having a film still next to the review of the film i feel works great again as the review is about the film so having a film still makes it clear what the review is about. Having a blue border with green font i feel will work well as it is eye catching and will stand out on the page so the attention of the audience will be drawn into reading about the review. On the bottom right corner having the name of magazine with date and page number i feel works well as it gives the impression of a real magazine page.

Review page layout 1

Here is my first layout of my review page. I was pleased with how i came on to the layout of this page for many reasons. I felt that everything worked well together and fitted nicely within the page. I feel that the title in a slightly larger font would make sense as this is the main topic to which this review is about. Also the idea of having a large film still at the top of the page is a good idea as you can see a little bit of what the film looks like and what actors look like in it. Using borders i felt would be good to give the impression o f a magazine page. Doing this in a black border i feel will work well as it shows where all the information is clearly inside the border. Having a photo of the director is an important thing to have as it shows the audience what they look like and having information about them gives them an idea of their background. Having a white background with all text in black i feel is a good way in showing the text as it is clear and simple.

Monday 8 February 2010

Poster sketch plan

Here is a plan of my film poster. I felt that this plan was the most best way of doing my film poster as it is very clear to read and a lot like other film posters of the same genre. I am very pleased with it as it is very clear to the audience and sending a clear message across without having to work anything out if for example the photo was not clear or the text. I felt that putting the title along the bottom half of the poster worked the best as the tree may make it un-easy to see. Also the fact there is a clear place on the bottom makes sense to have it there is it comes across strong and clear. I felt that putting the review and strap line in the sky of the photo as it is a nice spot to have it with a clear background. The institintual information and distributor logo i feel work well along the bottom as this is where on most posters they are shown and it is not something i want to take up a main space in my poster. I will now begin to edit my photo to make it into this poster i have planned out.