Wednesday 10 February 2010

Review page layout 1

Here is my first layout of my review page. I was pleased with how i came on to the layout of this page for many reasons. I felt that everything worked well together and fitted nicely within the page. I feel that the title in a slightly larger font would make sense as this is the main topic to which this review is about. Also the idea of having a large film still at the top of the page is a good idea as you can see a little bit of what the film looks like and what actors look like in it. Using borders i felt would be good to give the impression o f a magazine page. Doing this in a black border i feel will work well as it shows where all the information is clearly inside the border. Having a photo of the director is an important thing to have as it shows the audience what they look like and having information about them gives them an idea of their background. Having a white background with all text in black i feel is a good way in showing the text as it is clear and simple.

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