Monday 8 February 2010

Poster sketch plan

Here is a plan of my film poster. I felt that this plan was the most best way of doing my film poster as it is very clear to read and a lot like other film posters of the same genre. I am very pleased with it as it is very clear to the audience and sending a clear message across without having to work anything out if for example the photo was not clear or the text. I felt that putting the title along the bottom half of the poster worked the best as the tree may make it un-easy to see. Also the fact there is a clear place on the bottom makes sense to have it there is it comes across strong and clear. I felt that putting the review and strap line in the sky of the photo as it is a nice spot to have it with a clear background. The institintual information and distributor logo i feel work well along the bottom as this is where on most posters they are shown and it is not something i want to take up a main space in my poster. I will now begin to edit my photo to make it into this poster i have planned out.

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