Saturday 8 May 2010

Heavy Heads

Creating my Short Film i had a lot of fun and learnt a lot from doing so. I learnt a wide range of skills on how to use certain technology like final cut pro, learning how to do things like adding effects to my shots and putting certain shots together to make my film that much more conventional. Also in the editing sweet i learnt how to stick to my genre and make it look like a social realism type film with how i used relationships and friendships and a slight part with drugs involved. The way in which i filmed my film and edited it with a slow pace i felt gave a brilliant feel to the film joining with the ambient shots of wilderness and nature. From my feedback i have gained confidence from learning new things with filming i am very pleased and proud with my final product.


Here is my questionnaire i handed out to several people who were in my audience. The feedback shown on this gave me information of my film to things like if they found the film funny and my feedback for humour told me that some of my audience were not to sure on wether it was meant to be funny or not. I also got feedback for my characters and from this i could tell that my audience really liked the characters i used in my film. This questionnaire helped me out in knowing that if i was to re-shoot my film where i could change it or not to make my short film even better.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Magazine Review

Here is a picture of my final magazine review. I am yet again very pleased with my final product for many reasons. I feel i have yet again made my magazine as conventional as possible giving columns to my writing parts and adding borders, headings and information like the certificate and director name underneath. The layout of my magazine review i feel is great and has a lot of things going on like images and colours which give a more interesting and colourful look on it. I also feel it will appeal to my target audience as there is a sense of young people in the images and the colour also helps give a more younger feel to it. I am very pleased with my magazine review page and from feedback on it the majority of people who liked it were of my target audience.


Here is a picture of my final Poster. I am very pleased with how it came out as it looks very conventional and also with how i have composed the photo shows a relaxed feel to it giving information on my genre. The title i feel is very clear and stands out clearly with where i have placed it on front of the grass. I edited the sky above cutting out some of the tree to make a clear area for my star rating and captions. The way in which i did the credits along the bottom i feel works very well and looks extremely conventional, also with the shorts international logo gives this an even more conventional look. Also how i have young people from my film i feel really attracts my target audience. Overall i am very pleased with my A3 poster print and feel it links with my film, the genre and gives a very conventional impression.

My presentation

Here is my powerpoint Presentation. I feel the way in which i have put all my information together is as interesting as i could have made it and the theme i have chosen for it would attract my target audience and goes well with my genre.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

How To Make A Poster
Here is a website i found showing you how to make posters with a great presentation.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Review Page Layout 2

Here is my second page layout for my review page. I was very pleased with this layout as i felt i managed to get a lot of information on to the page and included the main topics a film review page needs i personally feel. Yet again i have a larger font title as it is clear to the audience what it is they are reading about. Having a photo of all three actors i feel was a great idea as they are in a way what make the film and the audience should get to know a little about them. Having a photo of the director and information i think is great as it its at the top of the page and next to the title. Having a film still next to the review of the film i feel works great again as the review is about the film so having a film still makes it clear what the review is about. Having a blue border with green font i feel will work well as it is eye catching and will stand out on the page so the attention of the audience will be drawn into reading about the review. On the bottom right corner having the name of magazine with date and page number i feel works well as it gives the impression of a real magazine page.

Review page layout 1

Here is my first layout of my review page. I was pleased with how i came on to the layout of this page for many reasons. I felt that everything worked well together and fitted nicely within the page. I feel that the title in a slightly larger font would make sense as this is the main topic to which this review is about. Also the idea of having a large film still at the top of the page is a good idea as you can see a little bit of what the film looks like and what actors look like in it. Using borders i felt would be good to give the impression o f a magazine page. Doing this in a black border i feel will work well as it shows where all the information is clearly inside the border. Having a photo of the director is an important thing to have as it shows the audience what they look like and having information about them gives them an idea of their background. Having a white background with all text in black i feel is a good way in showing the text as it is clear and simple.

Monday 8 February 2010

Poster sketch plan

Here is a plan of my film poster. I felt that this plan was the most best way of doing my film poster as it is very clear to read and a lot like other film posters of the same genre. I am very pleased with it as it is very clear to the audience and sending a clear message across without having to work anything out if for example the photo was not clear or the text. I felt that putting the title along the bottom half of the poster worked the best as the tree may make it un-easy to see. Also the fact there is a clear place on the bottom makes sense to have it there is it comes across strong and clear. I felt that putting the review and strap line in the sky of the photo as it is a nice spot to have it with a clear background. The institintual information and distributor logo i feel work well along the bottom as this is where on most posters they are shown and it is not something i want to take up a main space in my poster. I will now begin to edit my photo to make it into this poster i have planned out.

Sunday 31 January 2010

Poster photo

Here is a photo i took of the two boys in my film Dion and Carl sitting by a tree as this is their spot of where they go to every thursday and i feel is an important part of the film. I did it in a portrait photo as i felt this would work the best with the titles and anything else i want to put around the photo itself.

Here is another poster of a short film i came across. Yet again the way in which it is planned out is very simple with a main photo of an idea of what the film is about and then a clear title of the film so it is very clear. Also the brand names for the film are along the bottom and out of the way of the photo. There is also a website along the bottom in which id imagine the film can be viewed on which is a good idea of extra advertisement. The genre of the film i feel is a sci-fi type film or something along the lines of that or social realism. I really like the layout of this film poster as it is very clear like the others i have wrote about and easy for the audience to look at. These style posters i feel are the best type and will have a go of one of my own to do it in this simple clean, style.

Here is a poster i found for a short film. I found it very intriging with how the poster is so simple as it mostly consists of a photo of an actor with the title and the text along the top right corner of the photo. I find the style in which the makes and brands along the bottom of the poster fit nicely and look a clean finish. Straight away the mise en scene is telling me in the poster that it looks like a pretty serious film. Looking at social realism films i noticed that a lot of them have photos of main actors in the posters and brief writing around it or a title and not too much going on around it. I really like the style in which these posters are made as they are simple and give you an idea of what the film is going to be about or what the actors look like in it to give an idea of what the film might be about with how they are set in their mise en scene.

Looking at social realism type posters and short film posters

This film poster for the film Trainspotting i felt was a simple and understandable poster. Also it being a social realism type film i thought was a good idea to look at it and observe it. I like how the title is very clear to the audience and a picture of a character from the film in big but also other characters along the bottom. The mise en scene of this film i sense i drug type film as of how the characters are presented in the photos. The layout of this poster is i feel aesthetically pleasing to an audience as everything is very clear to what is going on in the film.

Saturday 30 January 2010


Next i will have to look at different locations to film the shots in my short film. I will need to find a fence, alleyway, bridge, chilling spot, field to cross, pathway in field and road for girl to walk across and an opening to woods as a entrance.

After looking at locations here were my favourite that i found. As you can see there are eight main areas in which i am to film my film, these consist of The river and bridge,tunnel,woodland which the girl and carl go to, the tree Dion and Carl always go to, the field in which the girl is seen walking across, the fence the boys jump and the road in which the boys walk along.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Here is a short film to do with social realism i found on you tube. I feel this is a good example of what my film will be similar to
for many reasons. The way in which the film has been created has a lot in common to the type of film which i am thinking of creating. For example the way in which there are relationships and friendships involved shows a typical social realism genre to which is normally in a social realism type film.

Looking at these posters

Now i have briefly researched posters i felt i should look up short film posters rather than mainstream type posters. I feel this as mine is a short film more of a social realism genre more than horror or sci-fi like i have researched. However for the film 'This is England' i feel this is of a similar genre to mine so i therefore will research films more of this type.

Thursday 14 January 2010

This poster i like the layout very much. The title is at the top of the page which i feel is where it should be as it is clear to what the name of the film is we are looking at. The stills taken from the film id imagine are a great idea as it shows us what the film is about again and shows what the characters look like and how realistic it looks with the facial expressions the actors have. Also the colored title in a lime green i feel stands out from the black and white background making it clear to see. I feel this film is aimed to an older aged audience rather than of a young age as the media language on the poster looks frightful.

This film poster i feel is very simple but yet easy to look at. The way it has been made is basically giving the audience exactly what they want to see, a graphic picture about the film giving us an idea of what it is about and then a big title giving us the name of the film in a color that really stand out and has a theme to the film and the date on the bottom. This i feel works very well however i feel that there needs to be something on the top as it feels like there is a blank space to fill. Yet again the media language in this poster is aimed to an audience of an older age group. I feel this is a good way to give an idea of what age group it would be aimed for and what genre the film is by having an image as this to make it clear to the audience.

Here is a poster i feel is very eye catching. I feel it is eye catching as it stands out with the red used as the door colors. Also the title is very bold and the 'a' in it has a type of hand rising which i think is very creative as it has a resemblance to the film itself. I also feel that the photo of the zombies in the glass is very clever with how they have put the main character in the film in a brighter color to the zombies around him. This i feel is in a way giving us an idea of what it i s about and immediately gives you the idea that he may be one of the last few people not turned into a zombie. Also the sub-title along the top works very well i feel as it gives us another idea on what the story will be about. I like the idea of having all of the writing of actors etc along the bottom as it is out of the way of the photo and not interfering with the picture. Looking at the overall image i noticed many points which are vital for the audience such as the genre, representation of the film. The representation of the film i feel is represented in a way for an older age group as how the image comes across. With the genre i noticed that it is of a horror or thriller type genre with how there is zombies shown in the image. I also feel there may be a sense of humor in the film from this image as there is a character amongst the zombies pulling an odd face, giving me the impression of a humor involved type genre.

Here is another film poster that i really like. I like how the films title is very clear and big so we are able to see what its called. Also i really think that it is a great idea how they have put the main characters of the film on the poster as we are going to get to know what these characters are like through out the film. I like the idea of how they have put underneath the title 'A Film By Shane Meadows' as this is telling us who made the film. Also i like how in a way they have summed up in one sentence what the film is based on by saying 'Summer 1983. A Time To Stand Out From The Crowd' This works really well i feel as we have an idea of when it was based and giving us an idea of what it is about. However i do not like how all the film awards are along the top and in fairly big font as i feel there is too much writing going on. This is one of my favorite film posters. The narrative in this poster i feel is where the characters are shown. As i said i feel this in a way gives an idea of the story. I feel that this image is aimed to the age of all but perhaps not young aged as there is most probably going to be violence at some points and swearing which i can tell just by looking at the characters.

What i like about this film poster is how all of the main writing is along the bottom of the poster for the cast, producer etc. i also think that the title would be better along the top as this is the main name of the film and this is what you want the audience to see easily. I also think that the photo used is great as this is in a way giving us an idea of what the film is about which i feel is very necessary so the audience can tell early on what a film is about. I also like the idea of the date along the bottom fairly big showing when it was made. The genre i feel in this film is maybe adventure and action just by looking at the image. I can tell this as there is an inter textual content so may involve sci-fi and the image and kind of gives the message across that it is a film based on a disaster.

Poster Ideas

For my poster i have been researching different ideas for what mine will turn out like. I have decided to look at film posters that i really like and corporate the same style into my own. here are some posters that i really like.